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Our Carbon Farmers


Stichting Voedselbos Benthuizen, Food Forest in The Netherlands

Land Stored Carbon Removal Solutions
Benthuizen, The Netherlands
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Status:  ONCRA certified
Verification Number: FNL-L-001
First issuance of Credits: 2023


Food Forest Benthuizen

In Benthuizen, near Zoetermeer, we have transformed 1.2-hectare meadow into a food forest. This is a forest full of trees, shrubs, and plants that produce a variety of foods. Besides food production, our food forest also offers ecosystem services such as water retention, increased biodiversity, improving soil health, and carbon storage.

Over the past few years, a lot has been planted, and we plan to continue this work in the coming years. Meanwhile, we are already seeing an increase in biodiversity with more flowers, bees, butterflies, and birds, and the edible harvest is also growing each year with more fruits, herbs, vegetables, nuts, almonds, and more. Gradually, it will evolve into a park-like forest with various harvesting routes and seating areas.

Members of the food forest

The food forest is not freely accessible. People can visit the food forest once by signing up for a “Pluck & Taste Walk,” or they can become a member of the food forest. Members are welcome throughout the year to visit the food forest; to walk around, harvest, help out, or have a cup of tea on the terrace.

We also seek to form a membership or partnership with buyers of Carbon credits. The form and content of this partnership can be determined together.

My name is Liesbeth van Bemmel. In recent years, I have made the transition from senior policy advisor and project manager to professional food forest farmer. In the process, I have gained a lot of knowledge and experience in food forestry and all that it entails.

In 2017, I completed a Permaculture Course, followed by an extensive Food Forest Training in 2019. In addition, I especially learned a lot from the practical work of setting up Food Forest Benthuizen. My background and recent experience give me a broad spectrum of expertise that I can use when advising others.

If you would like to know more about me, Liesbeth van Bemmel and Food Forest Benthuizen, listen to this podcast episode from “Food from the Forest”.


Liesbeth van Bemmel 🌳 | LinkedIn