Climate adaptation and mitigation through carbon credits

Through our concept, we provide hands-on solutions for climate adaptation and mitigation, aiding cities, provinces, tourism destinations, and countries in their journey toward net-zero emissions while scaling regenerative solutions to foster a transition to a low-carbon, regenerative economy.

Governments worldwide have committed increasingly to policies supporting a transition to a regenerative economy, often focusing on circular and regenerative agriculture.

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EU Green Deal

The European Union's European Green Deal aims to make the continent climate-neutral by 2050, promoting sustainable agriculture and waste reduction, including initiatives like the Common Agricultural Policy reforms and new soil laws.

United States Regenerative Agriculture

The U.S. is investing in regenerative agriculture through various programs supporting soil health, carbon sequestration, and biodiversity, including incentives for no-till farming and rotational grazing.

Germany's Climate Plan

Germany's Climate Action Programme 2030 includes a CO2 pricing scheme, renewable energy goals, and promotion of regenerative agricultural practices enhancing soil health and biodiversity.

The Dutch Re-Ge-NL program

In the Netherlands, the Dutch government has committed funds to the Re-Ge-NL program, transitioning the agricultural sector toward regenerative practices, combining food production with ecosystem restoration, soil fertility improvement, water management, and biodiversity enhancement.

Innovative carbon pricing

The Province of Utrecht, Netherlands, established a high carbon price of 875 euro per ton CO2 to emphasize the true social and environmental costs of carbon emissions, driving reductions in emissions.

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Together towards a regenerative economy

Through our nature based carbon removal portfolio's we help implement policies leading to a more regenerative economy by connecting you with local carbon farmers specializing in nature-based CO2 removals, supporting the transition while enhancing water retention and biodiversity.

Clover round movement

Analysis of government requirements and policies

We aim to support you in achieving your climate adaptation and mitigation objectives by enhancing biodiversity, water retention, and carbon removal. Our approach includes analyzing your policies and government regulations, as well as evaluating your carbon footprint (scopes 0, 1, 2, and 3). This will culminate in a comprehensive report identifying key carbon farmers.

By collaborating with these local carbon champions, you will be able to meet your climate goals while simultaneously reducing your carbon footprint through effective carbon removal strategies.

Step 2

ONCRA accreditation process

We connect you with local carbon farmers.

This means we can locate a nearby carbon farmer for you and assist them through a third-party CO2 accreditation process. This ensures that your carbon farmer is local, enabling you to build a long-term, trustworthy relationship with the carbon removal project. In doing so, you will address your climate adaptation and policy goals while receiving carbon credits.

Step 3

Measurement, reporting & carbon removal certificates

Once carbon farmer solutions are identified and accredited, CO2 certificates can be issued and used for your residual emissions.

All our carbon farmers are ONCRA certified, which acts as a CO2 watchdog, ensuring the measurability and authenticity of the certificates. We will provide you with annual updates on the amount of CO2 actually stored, projected future storage, increased water retention, and increasingly biodiversity data.

Step 4

Increasing the resilience of your territory through regenerative management

Together we can further explore additional projects and solutions aiming to address your climate adaptation goals and policies. All solutions aim to increase biodiversity, retain more water, improve soil health and in general become more resilient.

Step 5

Bottom up education to stakeholders

Together we can further explore additional projects and solutions aiming to address your climate adaptation goals and policies. All solutions aim to increase biodiversity, retain more water, improve soil health and in general become more resilient.

We can organize workshops and activities to illustrate the project's impact on sustainability, biodiversity, and other key areas, emphasizing the advantages of your initiatives.

Activities at the carbon farms actively involve and engage your employees, suppliers, clients, and other stakeholders. Typically, the experience commences with a presentation highlighting broader environmental challenges, followed by a tour with the carbon farmer. Hands-on activities then allow participants to contribute actively and witness the tangible results of their efforts. The day culminates with a sense of achievement and a profound understanding of the positive impact made.

High quality nature based carbon removal portfolio’s

Scature specializes in Glocal nature based carbon removal portfolio’s to maximize scaling of biodiversity, drawdown, durability and co-bennefits as well as reduce risk and cost.

We help you build glocal nature based portfolios while avoiding risk and considering a combination of permanent removal as well as for addressing the co benefits towards scaling biodiversity, water retention and regeneration. Our portfolio advice contains the following steps:

Clover round movement

City Example:

Imagine a city committed to reducing its carbon footprint but facing challenges in completely eliminating residual emissions. Leveraging our expertise, Scature offers a solution by facilitating partnerships between the city and local carbon farmers. Through collaborative efforts, the city can purchase nature-based carbon removal credits from these farmers and clean up their scope 1, 2 and 3. Effectively closing the gap towards achieving net zero emissions. This approach not only helps the city mitigate its carbon footprint but also helps the city to foster resilience and sustainability within the community. Additionally, by supporting local carbon farmers, the city contributes to climate adaptation efforts in the city and surrounding areas, enhancing ecosystem health and biodiversity.


Tourism Destination Example:

Consider a popular tourism destination striving to reduce its environmental impact but facing challenges in eliminating residual emissions. Scature steps in to collaborate with the destination and local carbon farmers to address these residual emissions. By purchasing nature-based carbon removal credits from these farmers, the destination makes significant progress towards achieving net zero emissions. Moreover, through collaborative efforts with stakeholders across the tourism value chain, including hotels, tour operators, transportation providers, and local businesses, the destination successfully decarbonizes its operations, enhances sustainability, and preserves its natural and cultural heritage. This collaborative approach demonstrates how all supply chain participants can work together to support the purchase of carbon credits from local carbon farmers, contributing to a more sustainable and resilient tourism industry.


Province Example:

Imagine a province in a region where climate adaptation is a top priority for improving resilience to environmental changes. Although the province has allocated funds for climate adaptation efforts, it sees the potential benefits of purchasing carbon credits to enhance its resilience further. By using funds from different budgets, including those earmarked for climate adaptation, the province invests in nature-based carbon removal credits from local carbon farmers. This approach not only reduces carbon emissions but also strengthens the province's ability to withstand climate impacts. It demonstrates how combining resources from various budgets can support a comprehensive strategy for climate adaptation across different sectors. In addition the credits bought can help offset your residual scope 1 and 2 emissions moving closer to your net-zero target.


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