Introducing Scope 0: A Game-Changer in the Carbon Emissions Landscape

You might be familiar with the typical carbon emission scopes—1, 2, and 3—each covering different sources of emissions. But Scope 0 brings something new to the table: the CO2 emitted in the past.

Scope 0 is about taking responsibility for historical emissions. This isn’t just about reducing what you’re emitting now, but also addressing the emissions your company has produced over its lifetime. Climate Cleanup , through its Oncra certification system, is pioneering the way for businesses to take responsibility for their historical emissions, offering a structured approach to addressing Scope 0 carbon footprints. This innovative approach is revolutionising how we think about carbon offsetting, pushing businesses to consider not just the present, but the past as well.

Why Scope 0 Matters: Looking Back to Move Forward

In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, businesses are beginning to ask tough questions: From when do we feel responsible for our emissions? What’s a realistic time frame to retroactively clean up our Scope 0 emissions? And what’s stopping you from starting today?

Leading companies like Google and Microsoft are already paving the way by setting ambitious targets to not only reach Net Zero by 2030 or achieve zero emissions by 2040 but also to clean up their Scope 0 emissions. This shift marks a significant step forward in corporate responsibility, emphasizing that tackling climate change requires us to address both our current footprint and the legacy we’ve left behind.

Taking Action: How Your Business Can Address Scope 0

So, how can your company get started on its Scope 0 journey? Here are some steps to consider:

  1. Assess Your Historical Emissions: Begin by identifying and quantifying the emissions your business has generated over its operational history. This will give you a clear picture of the scope of your responsibility.
  2. Set Ambitious Targets: Decide on a time frame and set targets for cleaning up these historical emissions. This could mean aiming for Net Zero by a specific date or offsetting emissions produced in a past decade.
  3. Invest in High-Quality Carbon Removal Projects: Scature 's carbon removal portfolios provide high-quality offsets through regenerative projects. Certified by Oncra , our projects offer a responsible way to offset your emissions and contribute to a sustainable future.
  4. Engage Stakeholders: Communicate your Scope 0 goals clearly to both internal and external stakeholders. This transparency not only builds trust but also aligns your team towards a common goal.
  5. Measure, Report, and Verify (MRV): Ensure that your Scope 0 efforts are measurable and verifiable. This could involve using third-party verification to maintain the credibility of your carbon offsets.

Taking Responsibility Starts Now

At Scature, we believe that taking responsibility for your historical emissions is more than just a trend—it’s a necessary step in the fight against climate change. By addressing Scope 0, you can elevate your business’s commitment to sustainability and make a lasting impact.

If you’re ready to clean up your past emissions and lead your industry in sustainability, we’re here to help. Book a call with us today, and let’s work together to build a cleaner, greener future.